Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 18 oct 2022 21:00 hrs
Composer: Giuseppe Tartini

In the Chronicle of Dutch Music, this time we look at the work of composer, organist and violinist Pieter Hellendaal, who lived from 1721 to 1799.

At age 11, he was already an organist of the Nicolaikerk in Utrecht. After hearing him perform, an admirer allowed Hellendaal to take lessons in Padua with the world-famous violinist and innovator Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770).

Having no chance to make a living in the Netherlands, Hellendaal left for England in 1751, where he went on to have a glowing career in London and Cambridge. Hellendaal is mainly known in the Netherlands for his Concerti Grossi, of which you will hear two, opus 3 no. 1 and no. 4, as well as a violin and a cello sonata. We conclude with a dance for the wind quintet.


1. Pieter Hellendaal. Concerto Grosso for string orchestra in G, opus 3 no 1.
Combattimento Consort olv Jan Willem de Vriend.

2. Giuseppe Tartini. Sinfonia Pastorale for string orchestra.
Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim olv Vladislav Czarnecki.

3. Pieter Hellendaal. Sonata for violin and b.c. in D, opus 4 no. 3.
Monica Huggett, violin.
Ton Koopman, harpsichord. Richte van der Meer, baroque cello.

4. Pieter Hellendaal. Sonata II for cello and b.c. in D, opus 5 no. 2.
Jaap ter Linden, cello.
Ton Koopman, harpsichord. Ageet Zweitstra, cello continuo.

5. Pieter Hellendaal. Concerto Grosso for string orchestra in E-flat, opus 3 no. 4.
Combattimento Consort conducted by Jan Willem de Vriend.

6. Pieter Hellendaal. Bourrée.
Dutch Brass Quintet.




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