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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 26 jul 2022 21:00 hrs

Music by Dutch composers or performers: Johannes Meinardus Coenen (1824-1899).

On today’s episode of Chronicle of Dutch Music, you will hear a number of works by Dutch nineteenth-century composer Johannes Meinardus Coenen. Although he is largely forgotten nowadays, his contribution to nineteenth-century music culture was considerable. At a young age, he was a bassoonist in the court chapel of The Hague. He went on succeed J.B. Van Bree as conductor of the renowned orchestra of Felix Meritis, until he was asked to assemble a professional orchestra for the Paleis voor Volksvlijt (Palace of Popular Diligence). In that capacity, he has been an important player in the professionalisation of orchestral music in the Netherlands.


1. Overture to the ballet ‘Ali Baba’.
Orchestra unkown.

2. Sonata for bassoon and piano, part 3: allegro.
Michel Bettez, bassoon. Jeanne Amièle, piano.

3. Quintet for wind instruments in A major.
Viotta Ensemble led by Victor Liberman.

4. Nocturne for flute and orchestra.
Jacques Zoon, flute.
Netherlands Radio Chamber Orchestra led by Thierry Fischer.

5. Voor Nederland.
Pro Musica led by Lex Karsemeijer.
With Simon C. Jansen, organ.

6. Morgendämmerung.
Paul van Zelm, horn. .
Nationaal Harmonie Jeugdorkest led by Jan Cober.


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