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The Night: Early Music

wed 18 may 2022 03:00 hrs
Composer: Antonio Vivaldi

Early Music, compiled by Egbert Randewijk.

Works by contemporaries Handel and Vivaldi.

03:00 George Friderick Handel (1685-1759).
Arias composed by Handel in 1708 as additional material for the opera Pirro e Demetrio by Allessandro Scarlatti & various arias and marches.
Ann Hallenberger, mezzosoprano. Il Complesso Barocco led by Alan Curtis.

03.45 Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741).
L’Olimpiade, opera in 3 acts (1733/34),
libretto: Pietro Metastasio (1698-1782).
Performers include: Lucia Meeuwsen, mezzosoprano. Mieke van der Sluis, soprano.
Gerard Lesne, contratenor. Andrew Walker Schulze, bass.
Ensemble Vocal La Cappella. Clemencic Consort led by Rene Clemencic.

06.00 ‘Vivaldi in Dresden’, pieces for the court chapel in Dresden (after 1716).
a. Concerto in F Major, RV 569. b. Concerto in F Major, RV 574.
Zefira Valova, violin. Les Ambassadeurs led by Alexis Kossenko.

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