Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 8 mar 2022 21:00 hrs

Music by Dutch composers or performers.

Works by Quirinus van Blankenburg (1654-1739).

1a. Psalm 21, 24 & 99, for organ.
Gert Oost, organ.

b. Psalm 146, for organ.
Willem Poot, organ.

2. Psalms organ book 6, 23 & 24.
Henny Heikens, organ. Sytse Buwalda, countertenor.
Wilma van de Wardt, viola da gamba.

3. The Doubled Harmony (4 parts).
Bob van Asperen, harpsichord.

4. L’Apologie des Femmes.
Max van Egmond, baritone.
Residentie Orkest (literal translation, Residence Orchestra) conducted by Ton Koopman.

5. The Doubled Harmony (3 parts).
Gert Oost, organ.

6. Fuga Obligata.
Jacques Ogg, harpsichord.

7. The Doubled Harmony (6 parts).
Bob van Asperen, harpsichord.

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