Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 21 dec 2021 21:00 hrs

Music by Dutch composers or performers.

On this episode of Chronicle of Dutch Music we share works by forgotten composers fro the first half of the 19th century. Works one would assume would have played many times in Felix Meritis’ concert hall in Amsterdam. Compositions by Ferdinand Hiller for piano, by Joseph Mayseder for violin and guitar, by Karl Davydov for cello and by Adolph von Henselt for piano.

1. Ferdinand Hiller (1811-1885).
a. Ballad, opus 30 no. 1.
b. Piano sonata no. 3, opus 78.
Alexandra Oehler, piano.

2. Joseph Mayseder (1789-1863).
Polonaise Brilliante, opus 12.
Gilles Colliard, violin. Augustin Maruri, guitar.

3. Adolph von Henselt (1814-1889).
a. Etude Charactéristique, opus 2 no. 6 ‘Si oiseau j’étais, à toi je volerais!’.
Sergei Rachmaninov, piano.
b. Nocturne, opus 32. Impromptu, opus 34. Impromptu, opus 37.
Rondo for piano ‘Rondo Serioso’.
Stephan Burckhardt, piano.

4. Karl Davydov (1838-1889).
Am Springbrunnen, opus 120 no. 2 [pictured].
Wolfgang Boettcher, cello. Ursula Trede-Boettcher, piano.


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