Northern Lights | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Northern Lights

sun 15 aug 2021 15:00 hrs

Scandinavian and Baltic music.

In Noorderlicht, every fortnight an hour exclusively devoted to Scandinavian and Baltic music. There are no limits to our search, surrounded by old and new, known and less known. And we also like to include the whole spectrum of classical music and crossovers.  Today Finnish work by, among others, the young composer Outi Tarkiainen, but also work by the Latvian pianist/composer Eleonor Bindman who rewrote J.S. Bach’s cello suites for piano.

In this episode:

  • Juhani Nuorvala. Impromptu’s for clarinet and zither no. 1-3 (1995). Heikki Nikula (clarinet) en Aino-Meisalmi-Minklainen (zither)
  • J.S. Bach/Eleonor Bindman (arr.) Cello suite no. 1 –arr,. for piano  (2020)

Eleonor Bindman (piano)

  •  Outi Tarkiainen. Concerto for saxophone and orchestra ‘Saivo’(2016) Lapin kameriorkesti conducted by John Storgårds en Jukka Perko (saxophoon)


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