Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 29 jun 2021 21:00 hrs

Tonight, in Chronicle of Dutch Music you will hear music from the conductors and the orchestra from the Felix Meritis concert hall in Amsterdam: Ruloffs, Fodor and Graaf.

1. Bartolomeus Ruloffs (1741-1801). Psalm 87.
Pont de la Virtue. 

2. Carolus Antonius Fodor (1768-1846). Concerto for piano and orchestra in G minor, opus 12.
Arthur Schoonderwoerd, fortepiano. Ensemble Christofori.

3. Carolus Antonius Fodor [as pictured above]. Symfonie no. 4, opus 19.
Residentie Orchestra conducted by Antal Dorati.

4. Christiaan Ernst Graaf (1723-1804)/Hieronymus van Alphen (1746-1803).
Jantje zag eens pruimen hangen.
Pont de la Virtue.

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