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Nuove Musiche

thu 3 jun 2021 19:00 hrs

This hour features a new, special CD with early music. In this episode, we’ll feature a very special CD: ‘Music of the Troubadours in the Latin Kingdom of Thessalonica after 1204’. Performed by Ex Silentio and conducted by Dimitris Kountouras.

Raimbaut de Vaqueiras (1180-1207)
1. Ara pot hom conoisser

2. Helias Cairel, Vida

Elias Cairel (?-1222)/ Bernart de Ventadorn (1135-1194)
3. Pois chai la fuoilla

Raimbaut de Vaqueiras
4. No m’agrad’iverns ni pascors

5. Planh, improvisatie over een melodie van Raimbaut

Ex Silentio conducted by Dimitris Kountouras, Medieval flutes: Fani Antonelou, vocals. Thimios Atzakas, old. Elektra Miliadou, viola. Nikos Varelas, percussion
(CD Music of the Troubadours, Nefeli ISBN 978-960-504-203-5, 2017)

6. Castle of Astropalia

Ex Silentio conducted by Dimitris Kountouras featuring Theodora Baka, vocals.
(CD Mneme, Carpe Diem Records CD-16306, 2015)

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