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Nuove Musiche

thu 25 feb 2021 19:00 hrs

We’ll feature the newly released CDs with early music ‘Chantador de joi d’amor – Six songs by the troubadour Bernart de Ventadorn’ by singer Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo and harp player Manuel Vilas, and ‘Gombert – Masses’ by Beauty Farm.

Bernart de Ventadorn (ca.1130-ca.1190)
1. Cant l’erba fresq’e•l fuelha par
2. Non es meravelha s’eu chan
3. Can vei la lauzeta mover de joi sas alas
Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo, vocals. Manuel Vilas, medieval harp
(CD Chantador de joi d’amor – Six songs by the troubadour Bernart de Ventadorn, Et’cetera Records KTC 1651, 2020)

Nicolas Gombert (approx. 1495– approx. 1560)
4. Beati omnes a 5
5. Uit Missa Beati omnes a 4:
– Kyrie
– Gloria
– Sanctus
– Agnus Dei

beauty farm: Bart Uvyn, countertenor. Adriaan De Koster, Tomáš Lajtkep, Achim Schulz, Tore Tom Denys and Hannes Wagner, tenor. Julián Millán and Philipp Kaven, baritone. Joachim Höchbauer, bass
(CD Gombert – Masses, fra bernardo fb 2005329, 2020)


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