Series Jordi Savall | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Series Jordi Savall

sun 24 jan 2021 16:00 hrs

Series about and with Catalan gambist and conductor Jordi Savall. In this episode, you can listen to the CD project ‘Le Royaume Oublié’ from 2009.

The three-part CD box (including an extensive documentary) ‘Le Royaume Oublié’ is about the story of heretics, the Cathars or Albigensians in the south of France in the 12th and 13th century.
Jordi Savall strengthened his ensemble, Hespèrion XXI, with musicians from all corners of the world to perform all influences of the historical region of Occitanie, Le Pays d’Oc.
Today, you’ll hear a showcase of the first two CDs of this release from 2009.

1 Les Trois Principes, alef, mem, shin
2 Reis Glorios
3 En to stavro pars tosa
4 Taksim & Danse arabo andalouse Mawachah Chamoulo

Pèire Vidal (mid 12th century)
5 A per paucde chantar

6 Fanfare

Guilhem de Tudela (fl. 1199-1214)
7 E l’abas de Cistels. Verse 4
8 Cant l’apostolis saub. Verse 5

Guilhem Augier Novella (12th/13th century)/ Giraut de Bornelh (ca. 1138-1215)
9 Quascus plor e planh

Guilhem de Tudela
10 Lavaurs fon tan fortz vila. Verse 68

Raimon de Miraval (ca. 1135/1160-ca.1220)
11 Bel m’es q’ieu e condei
12 Aussi cum es genser Pascors

13 Plainte instrumentale (Tambours & Duduk)

Montserrat Figueras, soprano. Pascal Berlin, alto. Marc Mauillon, tenor/baritone. Lluis Vilamajó, tenor. Furio Zanasi, bass. La Capella Reial de Catalunya and Hespèrion XXI conducted by Jordi Saval
(CD-box: Le Royaume Oublié, La croisade contre les Albigeois/La tragédie Cathare, AVSA 9873 A+B, 2009)

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