Northern Lights | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Northern Lights

tue 5 jan 2021 17:00 hrs

Northern Lights: Scandinavian and Baltic music

Every two weeks, we exclusively dedicate one hour of our time to Scandinavian and Baltic music. There are no boundaries in our search in which old and new, well-known and lesser-known and the whole spectrum of classical music and cross-overs come to the fore. Let Peteris Vasks, Est Cyrillus Kreek and the Dane Carl Nielson will get the ball rolling.

In this episode:

• Peteris Vasks- Donna Nobis Pacem

Ests Filharmonisch choir conducted by Paul Hillier 

• Cyrillus Kreek: 2 psalms: ‘O Jesus, sunu valu (thy pain)’ Followed by ‘Jacob’s Dream’ (from the book Exodus), and after that two anthems ‘Whilst great is our poverty’, and From Heaven Above to Earth I Come’. 

Vox Clamantis conducted by Jaan-Eik Tulve featuring Marco Ambrosini, Angela Ambrosini and Anna-Liisa Eller.

• Carl Nielsen Songs: To the queen of my heart, Anxiety, The song of the Guide, and My soul is dark.

Peder Severin (tenor) and Dorte Kirkeskov (piano)

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