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The String Quartet

sun 14 jun 2020 14:00 hrs

Wladyslaw Zelenski (1837-1921)

Wladyslaw Zelenski was a Polish composer in the last quarter of the 19th century. Like Moniuszko, he was best known for his operas. His chamber music met the taste of the conservative Polish bourgeoisie perfectly. He dedicated his String Quartet in A major, opus 42 to violinist and composer Joseph Joachim, who was primarius of the most famous string quartet of the time and a friend of Johannes Brahms. Both this work and the String Quartet in F major, opus 28, also show Zelensky’s affinitie with Brahms’ music.


Wladyslaw Zelenski – String Quartet in A major. opus 42 (1891)

(1) Allegro con brio, (2) Intermezzo. Allegro non troppo e scherzando, (3) Molto cantabile, (4) Allegro molto vivace

Four Strings Quartet

Album: Acte Préalable

Wladyslaw Zelenski – String Quartet in F major, opus 28 (1883)

(1) Adagio, (2) Andante con variazioni

Four Strings Quartet

Album: Acte Préalable

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