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wed 25 mar 2020 20:00 hrs

Japanese minimal.

In the land of the rising sun people embrace ritual music and impressionistic sound scapes. Minimal music with repetitive percussion patterns, static sound fields and hallucinatory melodies is therefore well received in Japan. Music with a primal feeling and naive wonder for the pristine. It can be heard in the compositions of Japanese composers such as Somei Satoh, Midori Takada, Makoto Kawabata and Ryoji Ikeda. In this Theme broadcast plenty of attention for Japanese minimal music in all its shades.


1. Somei Satoh: ‘Birds in Warped Time II’ (1980), for violin and piano, op Somei Satoh: Litania. Margaret Leng Tan (piano) + Frank Almond (violin). New Albion NA008 CD

2. Somei Satoh: ‘Mandara’, (1982), for vocals and electronics, op Somei Satoh: Mandara Trilogy. Somei Satoh (vocals and electronics) New Albion NA099 CD

3. Ryoji Ikeda: ‘Op. 2 (for string quartet)’, (2001-2002), op Ryoji Ikeda: op. String Quartet led by Natsu Takehara. Touch TO:60 CD

4. Makoto Kawabata: ‘I’m In Your Inner Most, part 2’ (2000) for vocals, keyboard, violin and percussion. op Makato Kawabata: I’m In Your Inner Most. Makato Kawabata (keyboard, violin, percussion, etc.) + Audrey Ginestet (vocals). Ochre Records OCH035L CD

5. Mkwaju Ensemble: ‘KI-Motion’ (1981) op Mkwaju Ensemble: KI-Motion. Ensemble led by Midori Takada, Yoji Sadanari en Shuichi Chino. Mkwaju Ensemble. WRWTFWW Records 026 CD

6. Mkwaju Ensemble: ‘Angwora Steps’ (1981) op Mkwaju Ensemble: KI-Motion. Ensemble led by Midori Takada, Yoji Sadanari and Shuichi Chino. Mkwaju Ensemble. WRWTFWW Records 026 CD

7-9. Midori Takada: ‘Mr. Henri Rousseau’s Dream’ + ‘Crossing’ + ‘Catastrophe ∑’, three parts from ‘Through The Looking Glass’ (1983), for various instruments. Midori Takada: Through The Looking Glass. Midori Takada (percussion and keyboard).  WRWTFWW Records 019 CD


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