The Early Garden | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Early Garden

sun 1 mar 2020 15:00 hrs

One hour of browsing through early music, with an accent on Masses.

Een uur lang grasduinend door de Oude Muziek, met een nadruk op Missen. Antoine Brumel,  member of the Franco-Flemish School of polyphonic music.

Antoine Brumel (ca. 1460-ca. 1515)
1. Motet: Du tout plongiet/Fors seulement

The Clerks’ Group led by Edward Wickham
(CD Ockeghem Requiem /The Clerks’ Group. ASV CD GAU 168)

Antoine Brumel
2. Letentur celi-Noe Noe Noe a 4
3. Nato canunt omnia, a 5

Cappella Pratensis led by Rebecca Stewart
(CD O admirabile commercium. Ricercar RIC 208)

Antoine Brumel
4. Languente miseris
5. Nato Canunt omnia
– Prima pars
– Secunda Pars

Calefax Reed Ensemble
(CD Calefax Reed Ensemble. Canal Grande CG 9321)

Antoine Brumel
6. From: Missa Et ecce Terrae motus a 12
– Kyrie eleison
– Christe eleison
– Kyrie eleison
– Gloria
– Benedictus (a 8)

Huelgas Ensemble led by. Paul van Nevel
(cd Antoine Brumel. Sony SK 46348, 1990)

Produced by:
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