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Nuove Musiche

mon 24 feb 2020 19:00 hrs

In this hour we’ll play a new, special album with Early Music. The new album ‘Mannagia Amore – Giuseppe Porsile’ by La Cicala, and ‘Bach & Co’ by Les Accents.

Giuseppe Porsile (1680-1750)
1. Cantata dell’Sign. Porsili ”Le sofferte amare pene”
– Aria (Andante): Le sofferte amare pene
– Recitatief:  Sovvienti idolo mio
– Aria (Allegro):  Non sprezzar più nò un fido core

2. Sonata a Flauto Solo del Sig. (Porsile)
– Entrée
– Aria
– Menuet

3. Cantate XXII ‘Qual per ignoto calle’
– Recitatief: Qual per ignoto calle’
– Aria (Larghetto): Quel passagier son io
– Recitatief: Deh’ più non regni
– Aria (Allegro)

La Cicala olv. Inês d’Avena, recorder. Mmv Stefanie True, soprano
(Album: Mannagia Amore: Giuseppe Porsile. Passacaille 1061, 2019)

Johann Gottlieb Graun (1703-1771)
4. Concerto for violin and recorder in C major. Cv:XIII: 96
– Allegro
– Adagio
– Allegro

Christoph Förster (1693-1745)
5. Violin concerto in G minor
– Andante
– Largo
– Allegro

Les Accents led by Thibault Noally, violin. Sébastien Marq, recorder
(Album: Bach & Co, Les Accents Thibaut Noally. Aparte Music AP206, 2019)

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