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Nuove Musiche

mon 10 feb 2020 19:00 hrs

This hour features new, special CDs with early music.

In today’s episode: Venetian cello sonatas by Geatano Nasillo and João Lourenço Rebelo. Psalmi, Magnificat and Lamentationes by ensemble Currende led by Erik van Nevel.

Giovanni Benedetti Platti (1697-1763)
1. Sonata 1 in G minor
– Adagio
– Non Presto
– Largho
– Allegro

Michele Stratico (1728-ca.1787)
2. Sonata à violoncello e basso in A  major
– Grave
– Allegro
– Menuet

Geatano Nasillo, violoncello. Anna Fontana, harpsichord. Sara Bennici, violoncello. Evangelina Mascardi, theorbo
(CD Venetian Cello Sonatas: Under the Shade of Vivaldi. Arcana A 465, 2019)

João Lourenço Rebelo (1610-1665)
3. Magnificat
4. Lamentationes

Ensemble Currende led by Erik van Nevel
(CD Joao Lourenço Rebelo: Psalmi, Magnificat & Lamentationes. Etcetera KTC 1568, 2017)

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