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The String Quartet

Composer Emilie Mayer (1812-1883) is an exceptional star in the scene of 19th-century composing.

Numerous times, she was referred to as the female counterpart of Beethoven. Like Fanny Henselt-Mendelssohn and Clara Wieck, she may not have been outstanding in society, but can nevertheless be seen as exceptional. After being a student with Carl Loewe and Adolph Marx, she started composing in her own styele to the extent possible. She was inspired by the works of Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Schumann, her admiration for Liszt and was extremely skilled and blessed with a rich musical imagination.

Emilie Mayer – String Quartet in g minor, opus 14 (1855-58)

  1. Allegro appassionato (11:45), 2. Scherzo. Allegro assai (3:13), 3. Adagio con molta espressione (7:04), 4. Finale. Allegro molto (6:20)

Performers: Klenke Quartet

CD: Capriccio

Carl Reinecke – String Quartet nr.1, in E flat major, opus 16 (1843)

  1. Allegro agitato (7:27), 2. Andante (6:22), 3. Scherzo. Presto (4:20), 4. Finale: molto vivace (6:42)

Performers: Reinhold Quartett


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