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The Last Century


This is the second of two programmes that is dedicated to capriccios in the twentieth century. A capriccio is a music piece with a capricious (literally ‘wilful’) form and unexpected turns. Themes are often not developed, but followed by new material. The term was often used in the Renaissance for worldly madrigals. In the eighteenth and nineteenth century composers used the term for virtuoso violin compositions a.o. (think about Locatelli and Paganini) or for potpourri-kind orchestra pieces. The Capriccio Italien from Tchaikovsky and the Capriccio Español from Rimsky-Korsakov are its best examples. Also in the twentieth century the genre remained popular. In this hour capriccios from Ernö von Dohnányi, Czeslaw Marek, György Ligeti, Igor Stravinsky and Jan Novák sound.



  1. Ernö von Dohnányi: Capriccio in F, Op. 28 no. 6. Stephen Hough, piano
  2. Czeslaw Marek: Capriccio, Op. 15. Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Gary Brain
  3. György Ligeti: Capriccio No. 1 & 2. Adaptations for Barrel Organ. Pierre Charial, barrel organ
  4. Igor Stravinsky: Capriccio. Emanuel Ax, piano; The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra conducted by Mariss Jansons
  5. Jan Novák: Capriccio for Cello and Small Orchestra. Jirí Bárta, cello; Prague Philharmonia conducted by Jakub Hrusa
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