The Art of the Improvisers | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Art of the Improvisers

sat 13 jul 2019 23:00 hrs

Cor Fuhler (Barger-Oosterveld 1964) part 2. When he was still a student at the conservatoire, he already had his own groups, including a piano trio with bassist Jan Hans Berg and drummer Martin van Duynhoven. His own label, ConundromCd, contains five pieces, recorded rehearsals at the old Bimhuis in 1987. In addition, it contains a number of pieces of his trio with bassist Wilbert de Joode and drummer Han Bennink from 1998, which appeared on Bellagram, a production of GeestGronden CD.

Puzzle – Conundrom CD 13
Bellagram – GeestGronden CD GG 18

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