Series Jordi Savall | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Series Jordi Savall

mon 17 dec 2018 19:00 hrs

Series featuring the Catalan gambist and conductor Jordi Savall. On 16 December 2018 the exhibition ‘Utrecht, Caravaggio and Europe’ was launched at the Centraal Museum, which is why we focus on the CD ‘Lachrimae Carvaggio by Jordi Savall during this episode.

Italian painter Caravaggio (1571-1610) inspired an entire school of painters from Utrecht in the 17th century and some of their works are on show at the exhibition
“Utrecht, Caravaggio and Europa” which can be visited at the Centraal Museum in Utrecht from 16 December 2018 to 24 March 2019.

More information about the exhibition ‘Utrecht, Caravaggio and Europa’ can be found here.

Jordi Savall was also inspired by the paintings of the master. For six large paintings, one of which is on show at the exhibition, he composed some laments and other works: stately tones, partly composed and partly improvised works featured on the CD “Lachrimae Caravaggio”.

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