Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

wed 7 nov 2018 19:00 hrs
Composer: Wolfgang Wijdeveld

Music by Dutch composers or performers. With works of Wolfgang Wijdeveld (1910-1985).

1. Violin sonata (1948).
Junko Naito, violin. Ton Hartsuiker, piano.

2. Three songs on Poems by Walt Whitman (1949).
Julia Bronkhorts, soprano. Junko Naito, violin. Guus Jeukendrup, viola.
Fleur Bouwer, clarinet. Jacco Lamfers, piano.

3. Sonata for 2 violins and piano (1954).
Birthe Blom & Cecile Gouder de Beauregard, violin. Daniel Kramer, piano.

4. Dedication, for 2 guitars. Based on an old Christmas carol.
The Anido Guitar Duo.

5. Vaalvalk from the South African Songs.
Julia Bronkhorst, soprano. Ton Hartsuiker, piano.

6. Zondagsminiatuur.
Historical recording with: Wolfgang Wijdeveld, harmonium. Nelly Boeree, trumpet.
Cees See, cymbals.

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