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The Musician

thu 24 aug 2017 14:00 hrs

Music in leisure time.

Attention early music lovers: the Early Music Festival starts next week in Utrecht. The festival is a source of inspiration for amateur choirs because a lot of ancient composers are being rediscovered. Early music by Portuguese or Spanish composers was not performed here until recently. Now the Portuguese Duarte Lôbo and Manuel Cardoso or the Spanish Alonso Lobo are programmed more often. Those three composers from the late Renaissance meet each other in a recording of vocal ensemble Multiple Voice. After that, music for amateurs from the late Renaissance and Baroque: music for Catholics and Protestants in churches and monasteries in light of various reformations.

1. Duarte Lôbo (1565-1646) – Audivi vocem de caelo

2. Duarte Lôbo – from: Missa pro defunctis: Introitus, Kyrie en Graduale

3. Manuel Cardoso (1566-1650) – Non mortui qui sunt in inferno

4. Duarte Lôbo – from: Missa pro defunctis: Offertorium, Sanctus, Benedictus

5. Alonso Lobo (1555-1617) – Versa est in luctum

6. Duarte Lôbo – from: Missa pro defunctis: Agnus Dei

7. Manuel Cardoso – Sitivit anima mea

8. Duarte Lôbo – from: Missa pro defunctis: Lux aeterna

Vocaal Ensemble Multiple Voice conducted by Paul de Kok

Concertzender. Pieterskerk, Utrecht 2 November 2001. Sound engineer: Fokke de Boer

9. Anonymous – responsory Regnum mundi.

10. Anonymous –  acclamation Veni sancte spiritus

11. Anonymous –  Ad festum leticie

Ensemble Cercamon

12. Anoniem –  Allein Gott in der höhe sei ehr

13. Anoniem –  Nu kom der Heiden Heiland

Schola and ensemble Devotio Moderna conducted by Ulrike Volkhardt

14. Anonymous –  Saint Boniface 5 June

15. Anonymous –  Saint Willibrord 7 November

Camerata Trajectina


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