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CD of the Week

sun 16 apr 2017 09:00 hrs
Composer: Johannes Brahms

New releases attracting international attention.

Brahms | Herreweghe


To go his own way discographically speaking, Herreweghe has had his own label Phi since 2011, released by Outhere Music, on which his entire erpertoire, from Gesualdo to STravinsky, can be found and through which many more of the conductors wishes will appear, like the recording of the Fourth Symphony of Brahms.

Philippe Herreweghe – foto Michiel Hendryckx

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)

01:22 | Symphony No. 4 in e, Op.98

40:00 | Alto rhapsody, Op.53

52:08 | Schicksalslied, Op.54 (last part)

Philippe Herreweghe: Orchestre des Champs-Élysées & Collegium Vocale Gent

Ann Hallenberg, mezzo-soprano

Released by Phi, LPH-025 (2016)

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