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Nuove Musiche

This hour features a new, special CD with early music.

Antoine de Forqueray (1672-1745)
1. From: Pièces de viole, avec la basse Continuë: Troisième Suite
– La Ferrand
– La Régente
– La Tronchin
– La Angrave
– La Du Vaucel
– La Eynaud
– Chaconne. La Morangis ou la Plissay
Atsuschi Sakai, bass gamba. Christophe Rousset, harpsichord. Marion Martineau, bass gamba
(CD Forqueray. Aparté Harmonia Mundi AP122, 2015)
John Dowland (1563-1626)
2. Flow my tears
Bartolomeo de Selma y Salaverde (1580-1640)
3. Canzon Terza
Tarquinio Merula (1567-1643)
4. Chiaccona
Hugo Siegmeth, soprano and tenor saxophone, bass clarinet. Axel Wolf, lute and theorbo
(CD Flow, Jazz and Renaissance – From Italy to Brasil. Oehms Classic OC 1826, 2015)

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