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Nuove Musiche

mon 13 jul 2015 18:00 hrs

This hour features a new, special CD with early music. The CD Les Rois de Versailles, with French lute music by lutenist Miguel Yisrael. These lute works are alternated with flute sonatas by Jacques Hotteterre.

Lute music by two French composers, who worket at the court in Versailles: Germain Pinel (1600 – 1661) and Robert de Visée (ca.1655 – 1732/1733).
Watch a teaser of the CD Les Rois de Versailles here.
Robert de Visée (C.1665-1732/33)
1. Suite in A minor:
– I. Le Tombeau de Tonty: Allemande
– II. Gavotte
– III. La Montfermeil: Rondeau
– IV. Tombeau du Vieux Gallot: Allemande
– V. Chaconne
Germain Pinel (c.1600-1661)
2. Suite in D minor:
– I. Entrée de luth
– II. Allemande
– III. Courante
– IV. Sarabande
– V. Branle des Frondeurs
– VI. Gigue
Miguel Yisrael, baroque lute
(Brilliant Classics 95071, 2014)
Jacques Martin Hotteterre "Le Romain" (1673-1763)
3. IIIe Sonate en trio op. 3 (1712)
– Prelude. Gravement
– Fugue. Gay
– Grave
– Vivement, et croches égales
Michel Lambert (1610-1696)
4. "Rochers, vous êtes sourds"
Michael Form, recorder. Rebeka Rusó, viola da gamba. Dolores Costoyas, theorbo. Dirk Börner, harpsichord
(Raumklang RK2207, 2004)
Germain Pinel
5. Suite in G minor:
– I. Prélude
– II. Allemande
– III. Courante
– IV. Sarabande: La Sçavante
– V. Chaconne
Miguel Yisrael, baroque lute
(Brilliant Classics 95071, 2014)
Jacques Martin Hotteterre
6. VIe Sonata en trio op. 3
– Prelude (Lentement)
– Fugue (Gay). Grave
– Vivement
Michael Form, recorder. Rebeka Rusó, viola da gamba. Dolores Costoyas, theorbo. Dirk Börner, harpsichord(Raumklang RK2207, 2004)
Germain Pinel
7. From Suite in F: Courante en Double
Miguel Yisrael, baroque lute
(Brilliant Classics 95071, 2014)

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