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Radio Monalisa

sun 12 jul 2015 11:00 hrs

Women composers: classical, jazz and contemporary.
Programming & presentation: Patricia Werner Leanse.

1. Alma Mahler (Austria, 1879-1964). Laue Somernacht (1924).
2. Michiko Shimanuki (UK, 1972). a. Prologue-Prelude (2014), for piano. b. The Dreams and the Pendulum (2006), for oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, piano. c. Sarabande (2014), for piano.
3. Liza Lehmann (UK, 1862-1918). Dusk in the Valley (1918).
4. Libby Larsen (Delaware, 1950). Deep Summer Music (1983), for orchestra.
5. Cassandra Wilson (Mississippi, 1955). Tracks from Belly of the Sun (2002).
6. Mary Lou Williams (Georgia, 1910-1982). a. A Grand Nite for Swinging. b. Dirge Blues(1964).
7. Eleni Karaindrou (Greece, 1941). An Unbearable Song (2014).
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