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Composer of the Month

tue 20 jan 2015 18:00 hrs

Eugen d’Albert (1864-1932).

All works are composed by Eugen d’Albert, except no. 6.
1. Aschenputtels Hochzeitspolonaise und Bauerntanz
From: Aschenputtel Suite opus 33.
MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra led by Jun Märkl 
2. Scherzo and fa dièse majeur
No. 2 of Vier Klavierstücke opus 16
Earl Wild, piano.
3. Two scenes of Die Toten Augen
Radio Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart, soprano Marianne Schech (Myrtocle), soprano Lore Paul (Arsinoe), led by Walter Born
4. Andante
Part 2 of Cello concert in C op.20
Alban Gerhardt, cello,
BBC Scottisch Symphony Orchestra led by Carlos Kalmar
5. Prelude and scenes of Tiefland
tenor Heinz Hoppe (Pedro), tenor Harald Neukirch  (Nando) soprano Hanne-Lohre Kuhse (Marta), bass-baritone Ernst Gutstein and bass Theo Adam Staatskapelle Dresden led by Paul Schmitz.
6. Johann Sebastian Bach: 
Prelude en Fuga in A, BWV 536
Transcription Eugen d’Albert
Piers Lane, piano
7. Ouverture from: Die Abreise.
MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra led by Jun Märk.

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