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mon 3 feb 2014 19:00 hrs

An educational programme featuring early music. Music from early Danzig, part 2.

The Polish city of Gdansk has a rich musical history with a remarkably strong German influence. Stored in the library of Danzig, as the city is called in German, are many manuscripts of composers that were played in various churches in the city.
In 2 episodes of Documento we hear a few of these baroque compositions.
Theophil Andreas Volckmar (1684-1748)
1. Sonata prima in C (I)
2. Sonata prima in C (II)
Nikolaus Zangius (1570-1619)
3. Congratulamini nunc omnes
Crato Bütner (1616-1679)
4. Te Deum
Johann Valentin Meder (1649-1719)
5. Chaconne
Johann Theodor Roemhildt (1684-1756)
6. Cantate Bleibe fromm und halte dich recht (RoemV 43)
Textdichter: Tobias Henrich Schubart (1699–1747)
I. Chor
II. Aria
III. Recit[ativ]
IV. Aria con affetto
V. Choral
Johann Theodor Roemhildt (1684-1756)
7. Cantate Lasset uns hinzu treten met Freudigkeit (RoemV 19)
I. Chor
II. Aria [Duett]
III. Aria
IV. Aria
V. Choral
Capella Gedanensis led by Alina Kowalska Pińczak
(Soliton 81-862)

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