Bonum Est: a programme on Gregorian Chant. Lux Perpetua – Ensemble Organum.
In episode 112 of Bonum Est you will hear the funeral Mass of the Occo Codex that is attributed to various composers by varying sources.
Both Antoine de Févin and Antoine Divitis qualify here.
Antoine de Févin (1470-1512) / Antoine Divitis (1473-1528) ?
1. Introïtus – Requiem eternam
2. Kyrie
3. Epistolas beati Pauli Apostoli ad Thessalonicenses
4. Graduale – Si ambulem in medio umbrae mortis
5. Tractus – Sitvit anima mea
6. Evangelium secundum Joannem
7. Offertorium – Domine Ihesu Christe
8. Prefacio
9. Sanctus
10. Agnus Dei
11. Communio – Lux eterna
Ensemble Organum led by Marcel Pérès
CD: Lux Perpetua – Requiem
(Outhere, AECD 1216, 2012)