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Nuove Musiche

In this hour, a new special CD with early music is featured. Musicalische Concerte by Johann Christian Schieferdecker, by the adventurous Elbipolis Barockorchester Hamburg. Part 2.

Johann Christian Schieferdecker (1679-1732)
Musicalische Concerte (Hamburg 1713)
1. Concert in G-major no. 10
I. Ouverture
II. Gavott
III. Aria. adagio
IV. Menuet alternativement
V. Chaconne
2. Concert in a-minor no. 1
I. Ouverture
II. Passepied
III. Entree
IV. Chaconne
V. Gique
3. Concert in D-major no. 6
I. Simphonie
II. Aria
III. Gavotte
IV. Rondeau
V. Menuet. Alternativement
VI. Aria. Hautbois Solo
VII. Giguee. Presto
Elbipolis Barockorchester Hamburg
Label/number: Challenge Classics CC72531, 2011
4. Francesco Bartolomeo Conti (1681-1732)
Ouverture in G-major ‘Don Chisciotte in Sierra Morena’
– Entree
– Minuet primo & Minuet secondo
– Aria (leggiero)
– Aria (presto)
– Aria (adagio)
– Aria (tempo di Gavotta)
– Aria (andante)
Ballo de ‘Pagarellieri’
– Bouree
– Marche
– Guigue
– La folia spaniola
– Guigue
– Chaconne
Elbipolis Barockorchester Hamburg
(Raumklang RK 2502, 2005)
Special thanks to Prelude Klassieke Muziek in Baarn and Martine Bley.

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