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sun 30 aug 2009 15:00 hrs

A Brazilian WorldMuze.

Summer is approaching and the sun is shining. Reason enough to play some dancing music from Brazil… such as the elated jazz samba by Céline Rudolphe, the refreshing forro by Zé Cupido, Coroné Pereira & Toinho da Serrinha and Severino Januário & Joao Silva, the creamy samba by Zeca Pagadinho and Think of One, the Brazilian flamenco by Luzazul, and the world famous Dona Ivon Lara… finishing with two newcomers who unmistakably let the Brazilian rhythms resound in their modern repertoire, sunny and inspiring…
1) Opening tune WereldMuze (M. Poels)
Duration: 0’58 sec.
CD title: ‘Navega’
2) Track title: Lapidu na bo (M. Andrade) 4’23
3) Track title: Dispidida (M. Andrade) 4’31
Performer: Mayra Andrade
Label: Sony / BMG 82876852782
CD title: ‘Brazaventure’
4) Track title: Mantra (C. Rudolph) 6’32
5) Track title: Naima (J. Coltrane) 3’48
Performer: Céline Rudolph
Label: Enja ENJ 9502
CD title: ‘Forro do Brasil’
6) Track title: Naiao da Garoa (L. Gonzago/H. Cordovil) 2’44
Performer: Zé Cupido
Label: ARC EUCD 1878
CD title: ‘Festa do Brasil Forrò’
7) Track title: Sebastiana (R.Cavalcante) 2’43
Performer: Coroné Pereira en Toinho da Serrinha
Label: IRIS 3001 879
CD title: ‘Forro do Brasil’
8) Track title: Siribó (L. Gonzago/H. Teixeira) 2’47
Performer: Severino Januário & Joao Silva
Label: ARC EUCD 1878
CD title: ‘For real’
9) Track title: Pra Sao Jorge ((P. Ribeiro) 3’46
10) Track title: O Biscareiro (S. Meriti/J. Aleixo) 3’14
Performer: Zeca Pagadinho
Label: Wrass Records WRASS 185
CD title: ‘Luzazul’
11) Track title: Existência Utopicamente (V.M. Rosinha Ilído/M. Mendes) 4’12
Performer: Luzazul
Label: Coast to Coast CTC-2990474
CD title: ‘Tráfico’
12) Track title: Tirar Onda (D. Cila de Côco/D. Buvée) 3’35
Performer: Think of One
Label: Wrass Records WRASS
CD title: ‘Nasci pra sonhar e cantar’
13) Track title: Um grande sonho (D. I. Lara/B. Castro) 3’55
Performer: Dona Ivone Lara
Label: Lusafrica LU 220
CD title: ‘Céu’
14) Track title: 10 Contade(A. Haiat/Céu) 3’30
Performer: Céu
Label: O-Plus O+ OP110
CD title: ‘Mais uma’
15) Track title: Segredo (Suba/Katia B) 4’29
Performer: Katia b
Label: Tumi Productions Tumi 132

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